The object of this study site is the river basin Quebrada Seca- Río Burío which passes through five cantons of the Province Heredia. The origin of the river is located in San Rafael and it traverses further through Heredia Flores, Barva, and finally through Belén. The area of the cantons covers about 400 km². Historically the land was used for coffee farm agriculture, but in the last decades it has suffered from strong urbanization processes, so that this area currently hosts 270,000 inhabitants. These developments, among others, have led to regular flooding and forceful currents in heavy rainfall cases, affecting the riparian areas and houses close to the river. The capital of the province, which is also called Heredia, is known for a small fort in the center of the city. The so-called “Fortín” was declared to the national monument of Heredia and offers a beautiful view from the top of the tower. Relevant cooperation with local partners like CIEDES (Center for Investigation of Sustainable Development) of the University of Costa Rica, the municipality of Heredia, the Ministry of Health, and other stakeholders have been established and will be strengthened throughout the research process.