Research Group SEE-URBAN-WATER Publications News archive
Internship and master thesis to improve Early Flood Warnings – Julia Matecki in Costa Rica

Internship and master thesis to improve Early Flood Warnings – Julia Matecki in Costa Rica

Julia Matecki, a student at Technical University Darmstadt, is currently carrying out an internship and her master thesis in the case study area of SEE-URBAN-WATER in Costa Rica. The internship started in September 2022 and is organized in cooperation with the Municipality of Belen and the Research Center for Sustainable Development of the University of Costa Rica (CIEDES-UCR). In December, she began her master's thesis work on the analysis and evaluation of floods in the Quebrada Seca-Rio Burío (QSRB) watershed, using monitoring data from SEE-URBAN-WATER and CIEDES-UCR, as well as the Early Warning System for flooding events operated by the Municipality of Belen. She is carrying out fieldwork to map inundation zones as well as hydrological modeling and analyses. By analyzing and comparing different data sources and modelling results, she will contribute to the forecasting of flooding in the QSRB in the future.